Monday, December 21, 2009

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Finishing Touches !

We are rushing around like chickens with their heads .....
no, no, wait!

Not so appropriate for our
2009 Yuletide Celebration
Holiday Market in the Barn

with the theme "All Creatures Great & Small" !!!

Let's just say we are busy bees at The Farm.

Wreaths are hung, and tree trimmings are on display.
The goal is to provide a warm and festive setting
for the wares of our Artisans and Antiques Dealers,
all perfect and wonderful,
remarkable and staggering,

meritorious and commendable, and ....swell!

It's this Saturday!
December 5, 2009
9 am to 4 pm

Now where did I put the snow goose with
the little Christmas greens in his mouth . . .

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Bee Tree Pottery

We are profiling
Bee Tree Pottery today.

Tom's wonderful cabin studio in southern Indiana
brims with his redware pottery.
To visit is a gift in itself, as Tom and Ruth welcome guests
to their "heritage" farm, passed through Ruth's family.
As the recipient of one of Tom's beautiful platters, I can confirm that
his work makes a statement in my home.
I am so proud to know both Tom and Ruth
and to have such fine craftsmanship at our show
is truly a blessing.

A recent email from Tom says . . .
" I have created a special 16 inch platter based on Genesis,
the fifth day of Creation;
when creatures swarm from the seas and birds fill the heavens.
It is a redware platter, 18th century style,
with sgraffito, feathering and marbeling decoration.
It will be 'borned' to the world this Thursday, just in time
for the 'All Creatures Great and Small'
Yuletide Celebration."

Visit Tom on the web at

Don't miss Bee Tree Pottery, and all our other
fine artisans and dealers this
Saturday, December 5, 2009
9 am to 4 pm.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Vendor Profile

As we count down our days until The Yuletide Celebration Holiday Market in the Barn, we begin our vendor profiles with a personal favorite of mine - a mother couldn't be prouder of her daughter!

Nice Girls Jewelry Company

This holiday season, Nice Girls Jewelry Co. will be bringing you a new line of vibrant polymer clay jewelry along with our hand crafted lampwork jewelry, and new mixed media hand-dyed wool roving felted pieces. Gretchen and Benni juggle day jobs and motherhood, but sneak creative moments to design their ever increasing line of bangles, baubles, and beads which they debut twice a year at select shows around the Midwest.

See them along with our other fine vendors . . .
Saturday, December 5, 2009

9 am to 4 pm

Friday, November 27, 2009

The List!!!!!

Not this List !

But this list . . . the one with our

2009 Yuletide Celebration
Holiday Market in the Barn
artisans and vendors!

Tim Cosper Antiques
Ugly Dog Collectibles
Widows Dowry

Stacy Nash Primitives
The Red Saltbox
Nan Talley Felt

Fine Gift
Carrie Maddock Photography
Nice Girls Jewelry Company

Artisan Reproductions

A CommonCloth
Bee Tree Pottery
Lily Richter Theorems
Sweitzer & Sweitzer
Wax Portraits

Vendor details upcoming.
This is such a fine and intimate show,
and one our area is so lucky to have!

At this time of careful decision making,
choosing to support our local and regional artists, artisans, and dealers
by keeping our dollars closer to home, makes more sense than ever before.

Join us!
Saturday, December 5, 2009

9 am to 5 pm.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Indian Summer

So still and quiet - except for the eerie dancing shadows of the nearby towering hardwoods
that cast late day images to the west.
It is a peaceful time, private somehow.

The pots on the window ledge in our Red Barn bloom bright red
as they stand watch over our
beloved Farmhouse at Sycamore Farm.

The patio pots bloom on - surely the last of this Indian Summer!

This is a good time . . . to reflect, to be thankful, and to look to the future.
Soon we will be busy with plans and preparations for our

3rd Annual Yuletide Celebration
Holiday Market in the Barn.

We have old friends and new . . . and several surprises in store!
It is a gift - this Market - from us to you!
This year, more than ever, we look forward to welcoming you.
It is our best time of the year!

Quiet November

Autumn has given us one last taste of sun and warmth!
Outside my window, the willow tree sways ever gently in a warm breeze.

It is quiet on the Farm . . . a lone traveler has checked in for the night.

Though my battery is threatening to give out, I dashed out
to the garden for some last sunny pictures.

White radishes and turnips still lay beneath the cool soil.
Sage and rosemary continue to flourish.

Monday, October 19, 2009

a sad day ...

The lights went off at our restaurant
ButtonWoods at Sycamore Farm
on Saturday, October 17, 2009,
with heavy hearts.

Thank you to all of our loyal customers
who supported our independent restaurant for over 3 years.
Each day was a joy, doing what we loved.

We look forward to
continuing our Bed & Breakfast
and Special Events.

till next year . . .

Thank you one and all for a terrific day at
Celebrate Fiber !

What a day!

Continue to watch for updates as plans take shape
for next year, both here and at Till then, it is back to the business at hand!

Oh dear - only 7 weeks till Yuletide Celebration!

Friday, October 9, 2009

We are almost ready . . .

One day and counting ~

The barn looks great - the mood is high!
We hope to see you this Saturday. The weather promises to be cool and dry, but you wouldn't
know that now! Rain, rain, rain. Soooooooooo.


We only have 25 spots in our parking lot.

The grass is just too soggy to park on
without the risk of getting stuck in the mud!!!!!! (no fun!)

Please park across the street at Dobbs City Park.
The entrance is on the north side of poplar street just east of The Red Barn and
right across the street.

They know we are using their parking lot tomorrow - they are always
so kind to us!
It is just a short walk across a lovely little footbridge (the ducks and geese
will greet you!)
Be careful crossing the street -
cars go fast even in a Park zone.

Thank you so much for coming!!!!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Almost Here !!!

Celebrate Fiber is almost here !!!

It's not too late to plan to join us for this exceptional one day Show at our
Red Barn. On hand for our first year will be a very talented group of
artisans and vendors from around the Midwest. Our list is below and we
are so proud to be hosting them.

In addition, class workshop signups are still open and online registration is
available at
Just click on Celebrate Fiber and you can register for your class online!

We have some parking onsite for our event, as well as parking in the city
park, across the street at Dobbs Park. Additional parking is available
at the First Baptist Church just 3 driveways to the West of our Barn.

Please make time in your day, Saturday, October 10, 2009 from 9 to 5 pm.
to come partake of our great Show and sale! Country Fair style food
will be available onsite from our restaurant, ButtonWoods. Join us!!!

2009 Vendor List

Wendy Miller
The Red Saltbox Rugs
Attica, IN

Kris Miller
Spruce Ridge Studios
Howell, MI

Stacy Nash Primitives
Indianapolis, IN

Tuscola, IL

Terre Haute, IN

Robin Edmundson
Solsberry, IN

Lookout Farm Alpacas
Terre Haute, IN

Dancing Bear Farm
Quincy, IN

Baskets by Shirley
Tell City, IN

White Violet Center
St. Mary of the Woods, IN

Nice Girls Jewelry Company
Terre Haute, IN

Andrea Wong Knits
Powell, OH

Nan Talley FiberAntics
Whiteland, IN

Dogwood Lane
Terre Haute, IN

A CommonCloth
Terre Haute, IN

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Have Lunch !!!!

It's Saturday - the Weekend !

Leave the brown bag in the drawer
and come out to
ButtonWoods at the Farm on
Saturdays from 10 till 1 pm. for lunch -
seasonally prepared Farmers Market driven food.

What are you waiting for!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Downtown Farmers Market Salsa Contest!

Kris munched his way through over 2 dozen testing samples at
the Terre Foods Coop Salsa Contest. The day was perfect - blue skies, cool temps, hot salsa...could it get any better? A very tasty start to a great weekend.
Harvest is upon us....

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A Midwest Oasis . . .

We are off to our annual - 26th year! -
week of blue water and cool breezes
in Charlevoix, Michigan. We leave like
pilgrims off to a Holy land of sand, sun,
and 3 scoop ice cream is a
family ritual observed by all who can break free.
When we return, recharged and full of energy
and fond memories, look for more information
about our upcoming Celebrate Fiber event.
We have more vendors, and another workshop
to tell you about! Till then, Happy 4th of July!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Signups Begin for Celebrate Fiber !

Below please find the details for our classes, thus far.
When signing up, please call Sycamore Farm. Martha
at Riverwools is working on taking online signups, but
until then, don't delay! More information will be posted
as online signups become available. . .

Each class has different class limit sizes, fees, and detailed
information. Please read each description carefully!

We will post when a class becomes filled.
You won't want to miss this very special event!!!

Shaker Gathering Basket with Peggy Taylor

Basic splint-woven basket construction will be taught and each person will weave a rectangular gathering basket with oak handle. The basket is based on examples of Shaker gathering baskets, approximately 6" wide x 12" long x 6" high.
Class Fee:
40.00 per person
Students should bring:
a pair of garden pruners, shears, or old scissors for cutting reed, a towel, and a plastic dishpan for soaking the reed.
Required knowledge:
No prior basket-making knowledge required.

Class Time:
1:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Paisley Pumpkin with Wendy Miller of The Red Saltbox
Hook a small pumpkin mat using wool paisley for your pumpkin!
Class Fee:
45.00 includes pattern on primitive linen, stripped wool in wide cut, paisley.
Students should bring:
Hook, scissors, small rug hooking frame.
Required basic knowledge:
Students should already know how to hook.
Maximum of 12 students.
Class Time:
1:00 to 4:00 p.m.

Color Harmonies with Robin Edmundson
This is the color class you have been waiting for! Learn how to put colors together in beautiful ways from a master colorist. Topics will include using color tools, color wheels, color books, classic color combinations, etc. Expect to get a lot of practice putting colors together and using your new skills.
Class Fee:
25.00 per person
Students should bring:
Photos or projects with color combinations they really like, and really don't like!
Required basic knowledge:
Class limit:
12 students
Class Time:
9:00 a.m. to Noon

Harvest Wool Table Runner with Lois Griffith

Create a Fall Wool Tablerunner with Lois Griffith, quilter and rug hooker from Columbus, Indiana (formerly of Terre Haute). Lois has designed this pattern just for this workshop. Your kit will include Lois's hand-dyed wool, pattern, needle, and floss. (Backing is not included).
Class Fee:
Extra Materials Fee:
Kit: 25.00 - Does not include backing.
Students should bring:
Paper and fabric scissors, hand or dish towel, thimble.
Required Basic Knowledge:
No special knowledge is necessary although basic embroidery knowledge is helpful.
Class limit:
14 students
Class Time:
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The Portuguese Style of Knitting with Andrea Wong

During this workshop knitters will have the opportunity to learn and practice the style of knitting I use which appears to be popular in Greece, Portugal, Egypt, and Turkey. The main characteristic is that the yarn is either wrapped behind the neck or looped through a pin attached to the shoulder in order to maintain a tension which is constant. We will cover the knit stitch, the purl stitch, ribbing, increasing, and decreasing on a knitted swatch. Also we will practice how to work Portuguese style using two colors of yarn per row. This style is faster than American or Continental style knitting, requires less hand movement, and even beginners maintain constant tension.
Scissors, tapestry needle, stitch markers, pencil and paper for note taking.
Size US 7 or 8 (circular or straights) and one 16" circular needle size 7 or 8.
Worsted Weight yarn in two contrasting colors.
Class Fee:
25.00 per student
Extra Materials Fee:
5.00 per student for pin.
Required minimum:
10 students
Required basic knowledge:
Beginning knitting - cast on, purl, knit, bind off.
Class Time:
9 a.m. to Noon

Friday, May 8, 2009

Celebrate Fiber Workshop Registration

Workshop Registration Opens May 15, 2009.

Watch this site for class details. Registration opens
on Friday, May 15, at 9:00 a.m. Classes will be
confirmed as registration fees are received.

Sycamore Farm

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Celebrate Fiber ! at The Red Barn

Excitement is mounting for our first annual Celebrate Fiber!

Workshop registration will open in May - check back soon . . .
Classes filled on a first come, first served basis!

(updated 4-18-09)

Peggy Taylor - Wool Basket

Lois Griffith - Harvest Table Runner

Robin Edmundson - Color Harmonies -
the color class you have been waiting for

Wendy Miller - Paisley Pumpkin hooked rug

Andrea Wong - The Portuguese Style of Knitting

Additional information can be found at
on the Events page, and on

More to come . . .

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Beginning in April 2009

Monthly Farm Dinners
Join us once a month for dinner at the Farm!
Reservations begin at 5:30 p.m. - Kris

Friday - April 17, 2009

Friday - May 22, 2009

Friday - June 12, 2009

Friday - July 17, 2009

Saturday - August 29, 2009 - Hops 'N Barley Brugge Beer Dinner

Friday - September 11, 2009

Saturday - October 31, 2009 - American Gothic Halloween Evening in the Barn

Friday - November 20, 2009 - Hunters Feast

Saturday - December 5, 2009 - Third Annual
Yuletide Celebration Lunch

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Celebrations at the Farm !

Exciting News . . .
Over the next year, The Red Barn at Sycamore Farm will host four very special events!

Celebrate Fiber!
October 10, 2009
9 - 5 pm.

Make the most of Autumn's arrival ... join us for a day of inspiration. Artisans and vendors will fill the barn with all things fiber. Workshops offered morning, afternoon, and all day. Weave a wool basket, stitch a fall runner in hand dyed wools, hook a paisley pumpkin rug, attend a color workshop, and more!
Gourmet food from ButtonWoods offered "Country Fair style."
A great addition to a weekend at the Parke County Covered Bridge Festival.
Workshops are sure to fill fast. Contact Sycamore Farm to reserve your spot!


Yuletide Celebration ~
A Holiday Market at the Barn

December 5, 2009
9 to 4 pm.

Our third annual Holiday Craftsmanship Day will again be held the first Saturday in December. Your favorite Midwest artisans working in the style of
Early America will offer their work for sale at this popular market.
Lunch will be served at ButtonWoods with reservations beginning at 11:00 am.
You will not want to miss this exclusive opportunity to shop from a fine collection of Antiques and Reproductions.


Seedtime Celebration
April 2010

Antiques, reproductions, and garden will inspire you at this first time
Cabin Fever market. Details will follow!


Star Spangled Summer . . . Primitive Antiques at the Barn
July 2010

A new and exciting show and market. Americana at its finest in honor of
J. Mack Wilson, the original antiques dealer in the Red Barn.
Vendor list to follow.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

March Madness

Leaves a 'blowin as we rake off winters Spring is there, just beneath!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Farm News!

Check often for information around and about Sycamore Farm.
Kris, Gretchen, Marilyn, and Drew will chime in with pithy news,
food notes, dirt from the gardens, artisan information, and such.

We're glad you have found our new blogspot on the web!